I am not claiming machine voting fraud exists. I am only making a case for how easy it is. Let's do it by the numbers.
1. Remember Volkswagen' scam of programming their devices to show
incorrect and legal emissions when in testing mode, but otherwise allowed (honest) higher
gas consumption. VW was caught only by accident - you will recall. This was deep and secretive programming.
2. Is
it possible that voting machines have a similar type of deep
programming, but in reverse. They work perfectly in test mode; they bias votes under
field conditions. There are a couple of easy alternative methods to mask the difference between test and actual modes, particularly if there is no test mode.3. It is painfully easy, if you control the machines and software development. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to detect. Calibration has nothing to do with this. The election commissions could re-image the machines after every vote. But the scam is retained. It is sort of like trying to eliminate a Trojan horse (type of computer virus) by rebooting the computer. It doesn't work. My goodness, I could write such a code in FORTRAN, in C, even in Basic.
4. Certainly election officials are not equipped to detect this type of fraud. Certifying agencies for voting machines also cannot. New tests need to be created. Certainly, printing paper ballots from the machine might help, but programming obviates this, as well. Cute.
5. I am not trying to sound alarmist, but am simply conjecturing what I can conceive of. If I can, others can. The stakes in modern elections are so high, and there has been such a decline in individual and group morality, that many operatives would not hesitate to do this - if only they knew how. Some do!
6. Somebody ought to check this out.
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