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Thoughts XXIII - Random

1. If the ad even mentions the word "affordable," to me it means I can't afford it or its not worth it.  Affordable has become a buzz-word for costly, for inept, or for deception.

2. Many auto ads are now signifying they feature an EBS, emergency braking system.  These show a driver being completely distracted from driving and then just at the point of a crash, the EBS takes over and saves the day. It will not affect you and I.  It will, however, affect the ever-stupid teenagers believing they are even more bullet-proof than already do.  The EBS will certainly cause deaths and then lawsuits. Many will die. This is a problem for the near future, with actual crash victims charging the manufacturer with faulty equipment or inaccurate expectations.  

3. On Hillary's health issues - in the spotlight.  Is the Dem inner circle ready to throw Hillary under the bus in the interest of the progressive agenda?  Possibly. But how can they do it?  Curious question. But the better question is this: Does Hillary know it?  She may well win.  We all want to know she is at 100% in health.  On the darker side, I've heard that Bill has already alerted his trusted legalistas on how to prevent.  If she slips or falls again we may see the Dems taking each other to court.

4. The Donald seems to be keeping a close check on his proclivities. When will he fall of the wagon and fire off some nasty tweets?

5. It looks  like our President has found something he likes to do as much as playing golf and making rules.  Campaigning!  But this time for Hillary Clinton!  One purpose only: saving his legacy.  From what I've heard there is no kind and gentle friendship between them.  But while the President is good, her other surrogate seems to have lost his edge.

6. Faking hacking.  Interesting idea. How do you neutralize the hacking and email problems?  Answer.  You fake hacks with fake emails that damage or help whomever you want.  Alternatively, you edit actually hacked documents.  We just can't verify. The long-term result will result in the public ignoring all hacked documents.  Nifty solution to an insoluble problem.  Look on the news channels this suggestion.  Listen, if I can think of this, so can anyone.

7. Hate is a powerful emotion... So, when are Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and Ted Cruz going to support their party's nominee?  Two promised to support whomever.  If Trump pulls of the impossible, it will be grim for these guys.  On the basis of scorn, Carly will never. :)


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