Trump is wrong. In
his Detroit message, he offered to the American people more jobs and more
wealth to all, yes all. He believes, as do the Republicans, that such a promise
will gain votes and hopefully adoration of the potential voter. Moreover,
it will attract to the ballot box their endorsement of his offer. This is his promise, and I believe it is sincere. It is possible, though it would be difficult
to achieve. The promise should be a winner!
So they think. This was the pitch
of all the Republican candidates of this cycle and last; it was the promise and
pledge of Romney. Trump discussed the
TPP at length*.
How can Trump be wrong?
Those millions of people out of the workforce and the smaller number
listed as unemployed (current 4.9% unemployment rate) have no belief anything
will happen in their favor. This
includes even those who believe he is sincere.
However, there is another mechanism at foot. It is the notion of
equity. Those who are downtrodden by
economic circumstances have come to accept their condition. They have learned to live without income and without hope. Their expectations are slight, with their
only compensation is that those above them economically are brought down - a
peg or two or three. Cut them down to
size is the message heard. This implies
any pitch that seeks to tax the rich further, reducing their take-home pay, is welcome.
We are discussing belief versus logic. Belief is by far a stronger human system for
making decisions.
Consider your own situation.
Should your upper management tells you that we will give YOU more if only we can give more resources and
opportunity to your managers - including salary. You don't believe it, nor do I. This is the
fundamental flaw of these plans.
Republicans opposing Trump will determine technical reasons
why Trump's plans are flawed. Democrats
opponents to Trump will relax. Their
mantra of chipping away at "those with more than you" can wait it out
for the November win. Even still, some
Republicans understand the Trump pitch has “have vs have not” flaws.
If the Reps want to win, they must not advocate lowering
taxes for those making a bunch too much because you, the poor, will be the
winners in the end. Too trickle-down. If the Dems want to win, they should just
stay on their message of class warfare. The more folks on food stamps and
welfare, the stronger their case. They
should avoid even mentioning Keynesian economics or other extant theories.
The Reps have one case: Ms Clinton’s dishonesty. The Dems have two: Trump and class warfare. I recommend those hedging their bets begin to
consider hedging their hedge.
* How many of even experts the can possibly understand a piece
of legislation involving 30 chapters and running 2000 pages. If passed, it will
support battalions of lawyers plummeting its depths and provisions. It is almost certainly loaded with internal
conflicts. The President indicated in a
press conference last week with Singapore Prime Minister Lee that his view of
the TPP was that the USA would be merely a partner in a EU-like association of Pacific
trading partners and would benefit us like all the other partners.
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