Scott Walker. Another order of toast has been served in the form of Scott Walker, who suspended his campaign yesterday.
Both Perry and Walker, successful governors of their respective states, are now gone. If we are following governors we would expect to see Huckabee, Jindal, and Pataki withdraw in the near term. Governors have the tremendous advantages of needing to work within a state system, and without the option of deficit spending. Governors usually have the record of working successfully with the opposition, a skill diminished and even deprecated in recent years. This would be a shame for the alternatives will become outsiders and insiders - plus the remaining governors. All those still in the game have their own calculus on who they want in and who should go. The remaining governors no doubt celebrate the Walker exit, though lauding his experiential excellence - whatever that means.
I suggest that for some candidates, the rise of Trump, Fiorina, and Carson will serve to dilute, diminish, and deflect criticism of their own issues and records. "Let them take some heat," they may reason. "We will have plenty coming up once they are gone. We will look good and reasonable by comparison"
On the Democratic side, the only viable candidates are Clinton, Sanders, and (maybe) Biden, all three ultimate insiders in the Washington world. They know, like their Republican counterparts, what to say, how to say it, and they don't make many mistakes - the red, marinated, and spiced meat that sustains pundits.
Both Perry and Walker, successful governors of their respective states, are now gone. If we are following governors we would expect to see Huckabee, Jindal, and Pataki withdraw in the near term. Governors have the tremendous advantages of needing to work within a state system, and without the option of deficit spending. Governors usually have the record of working successfully with the opposition, a skill diminished and even deprecated in recent years. This would be a shame for the alternatives will become outsiders and insiders - plus the remaining governors. All those still in the game have their own calculus on who they want in and who should go. The remaining governors no doubt celebrate the Walker exit, though lauding his experiential excellence - whatever that means.
I suggest that for some candidates, the rise of Trump, Fiorina, and Carson will serve to dilute, diminish, and deflect criticism of their own issues and records. "Let them take some heat," they may reason. "We will have plenty coming up once they are gone. We will look good and reasonable by comparison"
On the Democratic side, the only viable candidates are Clinton, Sanders, and (maybe) Biden, all three ultimate insiders in the Washington world. They know, like their Republican counterparts, what to say, how to say it, and they don't make many mistakes - the red, marinated, and spiced meat that sustains pundits.
Back to our subject du jour, I would not be too harsh on Scott Walker - from my home state. He has been through
intense political wars in the last few years. Whatever are your personal views, you should be amazed at his durability in the recalls. However, in my view those wars depleted
his energy and resolve. Basically, he was burned out before he got in. It is too bad this good and honest man was shredded by the media system. He may be back in the years ahead.
One lesson learned by all oppositions is that when there is a rising opponent, cut his Achilles tendons early in the game, effectively removing future prospects to run.e.g. Chris Christie.
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