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Talking Points Nation

The talking points nation. 
We are faced with a huge population whose knowledge base, whose opinions, and whose operational guidelines are contained within a few sheets of talking points. Information is exchanged via talking points, and knowledge is conceived through talking points.  Sure, there is the talking points exchange from time to time, wherein some points are replaced by others, but the total number is conserved.  It is akin to the Malthusian, wherein when the number of talking points exceeds capacity to absorb there results a diminution and constriction of the whole.  Definitely not gestalt. 

This may, under the most generous interpretation, be a consequence of modern information overload, dissembled national viewpoints, or highly crafted antipodal positions.  With less generosity it may be more simply disinterest, preoccupation, or depth of understanding, all as promoted by our schools.
Political demagoguery is paramount in their creation of talking points.  Their platforms are carefully crafted to absorb many on the basis of a single (talking) point. Most modern political campaigns are such collections, almost never with little more than plausibility explanations, almost always appealing to groups for whom the particular talking points dominate everything internal, in contrast to what used to be call the "big" picture.

Have you noticed there is no longer any mention of the big picture?

Here are a few issues.  Liberals and conservatives alike align their votes on these simple bases.

  •     Abortion: (a) Yes, A woman controls her body  (b) No. Sanctity of life is beyond other considerations.
  •     Climate Change (a) Yes, let's do something now before we perish. (b) Maybe, let's continue to study the causes and implications.
  •    Gun control: (a) Guns are a constitutional right and deterrent to crime. (b) Guns kill and continue to kill. Elimination of guns will lead to a harmonious nation.
  •    Immigration: (a) We should welcome all internationals. (b) We have immigration procedures to legally admit newcomers.  You buy the whole package.  Balancing has become difficult. Both camps agree if you accept one or the other, your vote is determined.
  •    Minimum wage increase: (a) This will cause a decrease in lower paid workers due to lay-offs. Small business will suffer. (b) These under paid people need more to live on.  It is only fair.
  •    International relations.  (a)  We are the only possible leaders of the free world. We must lead. (b) We must share power with all other nations. There can be no other way.

The thoughtful reader will certainly say these dichotomies are misleading.  Yet, they command American politics.

Other talking point issues concern Wall Street, the Flag, Military service, gay marriage, planned parenthood, the VA, the IRS, and many more.  Strong opinions for any of them results in a vote for the platform most closely aligned. For example, a strong stance about the VA can override any opinion on the others.  

Talking points promote and encourage intellectual polarization.

Just poll anyone on any of these issues.  Depending on their answer of strong yes or no, you will know most likely how they will vote.  Few will say, for example the independents, the issue is more complicated that just the talking point. Partisans carefully probe this group as to which talking points resonate. 

Even national leaders seldom stray from their talking points.

For the vague or highly complex topics, such as compromise, morality, or alternative solutions, there may be little consideration.  For example, morality is a lost subject applied by some to be sweeping rules to cover each topic without weight, to accept anything non-traditional, as if casting out centuries of custom can only result in enlightenment and a better humanity. The complexity of religion, not really amenable to talking points, is no longer active in consideration of the many preferring sweeping talking points delimiting its content and practice.  Here the century old (note the singular) science is often evoked as proof, usually without understanding, and almost always as a supporting talking point.
He thinking was so far out of the box he got lost.  The goal is to make the box bigger.  Remember, the whole point of thinking outside the box is to find a new solution.  This means one must know what's actually in the box first.
"Education is one of the most complex endeavors of mankind."


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