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Crime and DNA typing - yes or no?

With the arrest of a man for quadruple homicides in Washington DC this week, having been found first by his DNA signature leading to a name,and then tracking his cell phone traffic*, we are confronted with the issue of whether all citizens should have on file a DNA record.  One's DNA signature is absolutely unique.

Of course, when there is an issue, there is a controversy.  Should we or shouldn't we have such records?  The one group claims individual rights while the other claims the greater good.  Samo, samo.

In this note we argue in favor of DNA typing.  Here are some reasons.

a. Clearly when a perp leaves DNA floating about, he/she becomes more easily identifiable.  Just as in the early days of finger printing.  Now no self-respecting perp leaves those about anymore. 
b. Having a DNA signature will allow medical researchers in the decades ahead to make dramatic correlations between the DNA and various diseases and other medical conditions.  This could lead to remarkable cures that could offered long before the onset. This would involve massive data mining, now a solid subject in our own day.
c. There is a precedent.  Iceland now requires this of all citizens and has for some years.
d. It would assist in preventing identity theft. For important transactions, a DNA check becomes possible.  Transcending counterfeiting fingerprints, this adds an almost insurmountable wall to security.

Downside: There is little fear of errant DNA identification at this point.  But it did occur to me the possibility of a perp leaving DNA evidence scattered about  simply to lead the authorities in another direction.  It is probably easy to get DNA traces of another person.  I am absolutely certain we will see a TV crime show exploiting this - and probably very soon.  Of course, this will scare the dickens out of everybody.

I am not suggesting 300,000,000 people rush off and get (saliva) swabbed under a government directive, the only intervention needed for the DNA typing.  My gosh, the government has trouble maintaining even small records, much less keeping them secure.

* The perpetrator was caught using these dual technologies he could not be scarcely aware of.  Another reason to study at school.  Basically, this fellow was caught because he is ignorant.


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