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Body Cameras

The Police.  There is a strong movement toward which all police officers must wear body cameras.  The claim is that not only will such cameras deter abuse and other conflagrations of the law, but will document the officer’s daily activities.  The camera will create a log of all activities of this officer, and this is becomes a part of the officer’s permanent file.   A few consequences on the pro side include

  • Documentation of abusive actions of the officer. 
  • Clarification of charges made by the officer or by the perpetrator.
  • A strict adherence by the officer to written procedures.

These sound like a welcome relief to the critics.  And for about 1% of all police officers, it means that the tendency to abuse must be curtailed.  This sounds good.  However, there is a con side to this.

1.       As mentioned above, the officer’s permanent file containing all encounters will reveal all mistakes made, and there will be these. 
2.       The camera will make the officer a bit shy about exercising any wisdom involving a situation, and cause a strict adherence to procedures.  Indeed, the officer may be reluctant to release a suspect perceived for intuitive reasons there is no serious offence and there should be taken no action.  It is conjectured these are more numerous than unjustified arrests.
3.       The rise of the PPM (Policy and Procedures Manual) will enlarge to many thousands of pages as police seek to document every possible policing situation.  With this document vaulting to such a magnitude there will certainly be inconsistencies, if not contradictions outright.  Note the US tax code.  Lawyers will be able to authoritatively argue both sides of a case each based on the written word.  
4. Paradoxically, the number of arrests may increase.

The PPM has come into its own with the diminishment of wisdom and the willingness to exercise it.  It has already come to dominate the schools and colleges.  When there is no clear rule about a situation, the same situation will escape action, no matter how much it cries for one.  The next edition of the PPM will get bigger, as second rate administers attempt to codify it.  

The teacher.  Worse still, the beleaguered teacher, having endured accusations of hundreds of possible misappropriations of justice, abuse, and ill-will may soon also become the target of the body cam.  This will also change how teachers respond even to the most trivial classroom event.  The teacher will be unwilling to exact true wisdom in unique circumstances, and will resign herself to procedures as written.  Even slight infractions must be referred; even innocent comments of reprimand may not be allowed.   Good or bad, the teacher will have a new permanent record that may endure for decades.   

Next??  What groups then must follow?  Doctors, civil servants, psychologists,  administrators of all stripes?  Sounds ridiculous?  To me yes, but stay tuned.


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