In this post, we show how the MOOC can inform classroom teaching by giving exemplaries
of model instruction. Toward this end we
review what the ideal classroom is, and how the MOOC (massive, open, online
course) has superseded it at many institutions.
We then indicate that what the MOOC offers does have significant merits
and advantages.
Ideal Classroom. The ideal classroom is what MOOC
opponents imagine when they make objections to this new mode of teaching and
education. In the ideal classroom, students
encounter an enlightened professor, giving inspired lectures, engaging
students, teaching students, and creating a true learning community. The class is given at desired times, in a
well designed classroom, with adequate lighting and comfortable seating. The
class is relatively uniform in background, age, and learning experience. The class is small, say 10-15 students. This allows a closer community, allows instructors
to know students, allows students to engage the instructor, relieves the burden on grading for the
teacher, and gives the instructor more time for interaction.
The ideal classroom
today is mostly a myth. In wealthy
schools, it is still possible, but tuition costs exceed the capacity of all but
a small percentage of students. In big
state schools with more reasonable tuition rates, only advanced courses have
small enrollments, but often the instructor's time must be shared by demands
for research production. For low level
courses, the instructor is beset with class sizes in the hundreds, and with
multiple sections. For example, in a
class of size 100 students, the average student perhaps can ask two or three in-class
questions per semester. Many are
intimidated by the huge environment and ask no questions whatever. Not
ideal. The modern community college
does have many dedicated instructors, has made great efforts to control class
sizes, and mostly has good facilities.
However, too many of the courses are taught by adjuncts, underpaid
instructors, without offices, and evaluated by student reviews. This discourages excellence in instruction
and transports the learning environment far from the ideal. Let us be
If the ideal classroom really did
exist for most students the MOOC and its derivatives would not exist. Technology would be but a reliable
assistant. But it is now
essential. Even the critics of
technology and MOOCs make their cases against them using technology.
Technology. About thirty years ago, classroom technology made its
grand entrance. In the beginning, when
Frank Demana and Burt Waits had the insight and foresight to note that graphing
calculators would be an important technology in the decades to come, the goal
was clear. Show faculty how to use these gadgets successfully in the classroom.
This single idea supported the ICTCM (International Conference on Teaching
Mathematics with Technology) meeting for
years. The idea was solid and unambiguous; the technology was affordable and
tangible, the appeal was cool, and most important it could be mastered by
almost everyone. The graphing calculator became an essential part of the
course. Knowing how to use it was a part of the course grade. It attracted many
true believers in the efficacy of using these handheld devises. Success was
essentially limited to lower level courses, up to but generally not including
Then the computer
vaulted into the teaching technology of the day. Probably, around the late
90's, there were enough computers around that most schools had computer labs
and many faculty and students had a personal computer in the office or at home.
The mission was still to use the technology to help students learn, but the
pathway to achieve this was less clear, and over the past fifteen years there
has evolved no consensus toward any solution. Each year ICTCM has offered numerous
presentations on how this person or that used the computer to help students
learn some topic. Faculty are polarized on the use of computers in more
advanced courses. One problem for this is that there is little serous research
that studies the use of computers in the classroom.
In recent years we've
witnessed the rise of the applet, of many flavors such as those produced via
Maple, Mathematica, Geogebra, MATLAB, HTML5, and Flash. In many cases they take
a great effort to create. The design is critical and perhaps this feature is
the least considered by authors.
Along came animations,
and then even interactive animations also called applets. Many of us thought
this was IT. Finally, an applet could walk the student though to success in
mathematics. Unfortunately, there is not enough published research that
supports this goal. Many publishers have spent small fortunes on building
supporting applets around various textbooks. Some are fantastic.
The video popped-up and
is today a dominant feature of online and traditional courses. It helps
students learn mathematics through convenience. Multiple views are possible, making
clear concise any-time, any-where instruction a reality. The Khan Academy has
taken the video to ultimate level with knowledge maps and literally countless
videos on almost every topic.
Learning management
systems, such as Blackboard, have taken technology in another direction, partly
to supplement the contemporary and inadequate teaching/learning
environment. These support online homework, online exams, exam
prep videos, MOOCS, learning analytics and big data, social media, and bridging
Nowadays, technology
has moved away from the gadget and is moving toward services. What's important
for students? Typical surveys include these
The instruction in my major field is
excellent. Nearly all of the faculty members are knowledgeable in their fields.
The quality of instruction I receive in
most of my classes is excellent. I am able to register for classes I need with
few conflicts.
My academic advisor is knowledgeable
about requirements in my major. My academic advisor is approachable
Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment.
I am able to experience intellectual
growth here. It is an enjoyable experience to be a student on this campus.
There is a good variety of courses provided on this campus.
Major requirements are clear and
The campus is safe and secure for all
Adequate financial aid is available for
most students.
Faculty members are fair and unbiased in their
treatment of individual students
the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer, in his Reflections on the Human
Condition (1973) tells us,
“In a time of drastic
change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped
to live in a world that no longer exists.”
the MOOC. The MOOC (massive open, online course) is here to
stay. Excellent materials are available
through Coursera, Udemy, EdX and many other venues. The MOOC is at once the scourge and salvation
of education. It really cannot be
both. It is difficult to understand or
perceive how traditional education can survive without the assistance of
technology, and how many courses can be taught without the “massive”
component. It is an easy conclusion to
make that education and healthcare may soon be competitors for valuable
domestic funding. Both involve massive
public expenditures. Like applications of technology to healthcare, the MOOC
addresses the exigencies of cost, effectiveness, and quality. In particular,
the cost of education dominates the thinking of all interested in methods of
how we create educational environments. The MOOC has friends.
- SMOC – (smock) synchronous, open, online course
- COOC - classically offered online classes
- MOOT – massive, open, online, test: ACT/SAT, PSAT, Placement Exams, GRE, EOC exams, or massive, open, online, textbook
- POOC – Publisher’s open online course
These are specialized
variations of the MOOC, sometimes combining aspects of traditional instruction
as with the SMOC and COOC, sometimes a wide scale testing environment, and
sometime a commercial venture. Aspects of MOOCs include
1. Better use of technology
2. Clearly defined learning outcomes.
3. Polished lectures available any time.
4. Clearly vetted testing.
5. The use of videos for students.
6. The use of chat rooms for students to focus their attention on topical questions.
7. The availability of learning analytics.
8. A fixed syllabus.
9. Students participating learn independently.
10. Exams test the material and possible questions are not telegraphed by the teacher.
11. Students are not constrained by location, inadequate classrooms, bad parking conditions, disengaged teachers.
12. It connects across disciplines and corporate/institutional walls.
13. Contextualized content can be shared by all.
14. They move beyond time zones and physical boundaries.
15. Encourages a pathway toward lifelong learning. The MOOC forces you to think about your own learning and knowledge absorption.
A long list, it
suggests, as intended, the many advantages of the MOOC. Traditional teaching offers the immediacy of
instruction, the eye-to-eye communication, the actual physical presence, and
all these entail. However, in comparison a poor instructor comes up wanting; a
great instructor comes up as superior, but for advantages beyond its scope. The MOOC, however, is not for the faint of
heart. It requires a strong commitment,
as attested by the high dropout rate. It also requires personal discipline and
intellectual independence, not the strongest suits of struggling learners.
Look at the six big
technologies of this decade. They are
the flipped classroom, learning analytics, 3d printing, games and gamification,
the quantified self, and virtual assistants. It is clear the flipped classroom,
roughly requiring students to review material prior to class time, was inspired
by the MOOC. Learning analytics is a consequence of learning management systems.
A fully new source of learning information, learning analytics will keep
educational researchers busy for decades to come. The quantified self, new to some and related
to learning analytics, is a model where students are able to closely track data
that is relevant to their daily activities through the use of technology. As well, it is used in self-tracking, peer
comparisons, early warning, and characteristics identification. Some are new,
possible only because of technology, but are part and parcel of the MOOC.
In the MOOC the
professor speaks clearly, without rancor, without judgment, and without personal
and other irrelevant distractions. The lectures have a clear perspective, goal,
and are completed on time. How many of
us remember having instructors rambling on about inconsequential and sometimes
personal matters during valuable class time.
When one thinks of the best teachers ever had, how many are on this
list? Maybe a half-dozen? Yet, in the typical the academic career from
high school through college, more than sixty instructors played a role. That is, about ten percent of your past
instructors remain in your memory. Not very large, this number suggests that
vaunted live classroom instruction may not measure up to exemplary standards.
Indeed, these many advantages suggest important lessons for the classroom
instructor. It was partly the perceived
inadequacy of traditional instruction that inspired the use of technology to
make instruction better. Make no doubt,
if traditional instruction offered clear and universal advantages, it would be
sustained. It seems this is not so,
except for students with certain learning disadvantages. However, the lessons learned from MOOCs can be
reflected backwards. We can be confident
that the MOOC, which is here to stay, will inform real, live, and continuing
classroom instruction not only today but in the years ahead when both will find
their sustained and proper role in the education of all students and citizens
at large.
I like MOOCs. They offer high quality instruction to many that
was not available previously. I don’t like MOOCs. They diminish my human and humane contact
with an actual person.
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