An equation for life. This is a very important relation. Let A = (your) attitude, P = (your) persistence, and I = (your) intelligence. In terms of your quantified versions of these
In words, your attitude quotient plus your persistence quotient exceeds your intelligence quotient. This simple inequality demonstrates your attitude and persistence applied to your life can have more effect than your native intelligence. Indeed, look around you. Note how some people, idiots in your mind, have achieved what you desire. Now look at their attitude and persistence. That's how they did it. Indeed I believe in many cases
The lesson here is not to give up because you think you don't have the smarts. Keep at it with a strong and positive attitude and with a relentless spirit for achievement.-----------------------------------------------------------------------
On Power. Some people crave power far more than fame or wealth, the other two base needs of humanity. Toward this end, they are attracted to any endeavor, including political viewpoint, that will assist them in achieving it.
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