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The Painted Corner

Dear Folks,

We come, in this moment of indecision and derision, to the matter of our country's longevity, responsibility, and harmony.

Republicans - have painted themselves into a corner by demanding some form of accountability on the budget or at least the appearance of doing so.

Democrats - have painted themselves in to the corner of being unwilling to negotiate under the pressure of pressing needs and exigencies, or to be unwilling to consider untouchable issues.

Caveat:  Part of the Republican problem is their un-unified approach.  The Dems claim they don't know who or what is the negotiating position.  Good points.  The Democrats are seemingly fully unified, and this is a fully suspicious note.  There can be no group so large, yet so committed to a course of action as to differences of which we have not heard.

The Tea Party - has painted itself into a corner for fiscal responsibility regardless of consequence.

The Far Left - has painted itself into the corner supporting unlimited everything and anything under the aegis of the government intervention. 

All sides are intransigent.  Each waits for the other to cave-in.   Mind you, the "wait 'till they cave-in" tactic is a strategy that has been massively successful for decades.  It precludes reason and compromise.   All sides seem willing to bargain away our future on the bet that their form of intransigence will have positive benefits - probably in 2014 election results.   So, while we have a vigorous and vicious game of chess waged on a national board of thousands of squares, the country waits.  It is uncertain of anything or of any outcome. The furloughed government workers have full expectation of recompense of lost wages; so why should they worry.  Those seeking government services go unsatisfied, uncertain, and unknowing of what will happen - or if anything will happen. They may be turning their thoughts skyward.

Metaphorically speaking...
Falling between the cracks is an oft used term usually applied to those unfortunate few that have not found the keys to fit the locks of beneficence.  Currently, it seems we are all in this same situation - all of us between the cracks.  Majority, minority, undecided, independent, anarchist, revolutionary, or zealot, we are all seeking keys to an open door to hope and prosperity, to stability and congeniality.   We are all in the same fragile boat with no apparent course. Remarkably, we are substantially unified by this unhappy and fully negative narrative.


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