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Science Education in America

From the Huffington Post.  The latest Pew research poll has established  that American teenagers aren't doing as poorly on international science tests as adults think.  In fact most adult American adults think that teenagers science knowledge are far lower than they actually are.  Indeed,  12 countries had higher scores and nine countries had lower scores.  There were another dozen with scores comparable with Americans.   Even still, only 11% of surveyed adults thought that science should be given a greater emphasis in the schools.  In keeping with our paradigm of the PSA (Polarized States of America) Democrats and Repulicans disagreed significantly on whether there should be a greater emphasis on science.  You got it.  The Democrats thought more, the Republicans thought less,  17% vs 7%.  One question not asked was and it never is:  “With the curriculum packed as it is, and we increase science teaching, what do we decrease?” Republicans, on the other hand, favored more emphasis on math skills, 35% vs 24%.  Again, the class time allocation question was not asked.   

For more information see: and related sources.

In brief…
Do not trust what adults believe about education.  They are not experts though many think they are. They really don’t know squat.  Their information is based on one or two anecdotes, i.e. their kids. 

Nonetheless… Has it come to this?  We are giving ourselves “high-fives” when we are not at the bottom.  Fantastic this is not!  Moreover, we seem to have accepted our low place on the scale of excellence.  This is so sad.  When you accept a lower status on anything, you are defeated!  The National Science Foundation recognizes this and is currently pouring millions into STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.  It may be too late. 

No mention was given to the fact that the per capita education costs in the USA are the second highest in the world. – next to Switzerland.  And you say?  Can you justify?  Can you explain?  Can you perceive the long term consequences?  In twenty years we'll be farming out our science development needs to Pacific rim countries.  Already, we rely on the Russians (at steadily increasing trip charges) to boost our astronauts into orbit to visit the space station we built!!

Just above I mentioned that the USA in trying to rejoin the league of exceptional scientific nations may be past the point of no return.  But it seems when you think this may be the case, you may have simultaneously established the fact. 


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