Nothing to lose vs.
Nothing to gain
Everyone has heard the expression, “Nothing to Lose.” This is the dinner bell for action. Do it now and why not?
Fight it now. Sacrifice what will.
There can be no limit with such stakes.
This state can cause revolutions, riots, protests, disavowal,
frustration, rebellion, and profound fundamental changes in direction. It is the portal to sacrificing everything,
including life and limb. "Nothing to Lose" puts power at risk History has proved this.
But what if there is “Nothing
to Gain?” This compresses,
depresses, and stultifies any action.
It creates passivity, complacence, and inaction in all unhappy parties. Why take any action when risk has no rewards,
for self, for family, for friends, for community, or for the future? This is the soporific of maintaining a
compliant population. This is the cynical calculation
made by power in any society. It
keeps the population quiescent and inert. "Nothing to Gain" sustains power. History has proved this, too.
The state of mind for your personal situation drives what you think and importantly what you might do.
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