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Your Marvelous Brain - Problem Solving

Ever thought about how you figure things out? Your marvelous brain has it covered. Indeed, you use six separate systems to make conclusions, see describe them in this order though it varies from person to person.
  • Beliefs/Faith - You have a set of beliefs and a state of faith, both of which which function as guideposts on how to view problems and resolve difficulties.  These are your strongest system, and can override all other considerations.  The two overlap so much, it isn't really possible to distinguish them.  The first is the second, and the second is the first.
  • Random - When all else fails, and all considerations are equal, what do you do? Throw the dice. This means just take a guess.  We all do this from time to time, usually when there is little time to use your more considered systems to respond.  
  • Analytic - This is the logical part of your brain. It channels you through issues using the strengths of logical deduction and induction. You try hard to use accepted logical rules to make conclusions.
  • Instinct/Intuitive - You have a sense of what to do. It just comes to you. You have to react quickly. So, you rely on instincts of what to do.
  • Programs - Through life you program yourself to carry out certain complex actions. While at one time you used the other tools to draw conclusions or take actions, you now rely on a set of internally programs steps.
  • Emotional - You make a decision based on purely emotional grounds. You "feel" this is the proper recourse and decision because you "know" in your heart this is correct.
Note, these systems do overlap quite a bit. What stands out is when just one system is used. For example, in the television and movie series Star Trek, we saw the constant (and exaggerated) contrast between Dr. Spock's fully analytic method of problem solving with Captain Kirk's rather intuitive methods. It is also clear when someone is acting purely on emotion. In a variation on one of the "Trolley Problems" suppose a trolley is hurtling down the track to a switch which you control. On each branch there is a single hiker, that will certainly be killed if the switch directs the train on that branch. You have no extra information. Which switch do you set? I know this sounds a little gruesome, but try to reason this out in any way other than simply select to randomly (considered the same if no action is taken).

Now consider the local bunny rabbit sitting in your backyard. Someone suddenly appears. The rabbit fears. What does it do? It reacts by instinct alone, though the instinct of flight. It is difficult to see the rabbit using any other system for most any problem. What about sex? Well, this is hormonal - not considered in this note.

Of course, which system or systems you use depends on various factors. Some problems are low information meaning you have incomplete information about the underlying issues. Some are high information lending themselves to a better analysis. Even further, some are complete information from which the analytical is possible. However, all of these are tainted by your personal proclivities, your morals, you ethics, and other socially philosophic tenets you have. How you use your BRAIPE is never clear, the particular situation has an important role.

Trust.  This is a mental facet we rely on completely. Trust is a singular important commodity in the entire animal community.  It transcends and combines your entire mental makeup.  Trust is about survival.  Trust is about success.  Trust is about process.  Without trust, we could not live day-to-day.  Of all six systems, trust combines them all.  Trust is the steady force in life, a third rail of interpersonal communication, decision making, and confidence.  When you are accused of being non trustworthy, this can resonate with the very foundation of how you are considered, and whether you are just plain discounted.  This implies the possibility collective terms of mental functioning not yet discussed. 

Got an opinion?  Please send along.


Trolley Problems:
Trolley problems are essentially moral dilemmas and are somewhat "toy" problems posed at the extreme, a situation in which few of us are equipped to handle. Trauma surgeons, in a time of war, do make these decisions, however. It must be difficult.


    1. Thank you for these, Don. You deal with important topics in an intelligent way. The best part is that you don't seem to have succumbed to the tide of partisanship and extremism that is overwhelming many people in our country.


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