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Thoughts - Part VII

A license to practice does not confer the wisdom to do so.  A. Attorney General   Eric Holder apparently mislead Congress on his request of subpoenas of members of the press phone and email records.   This is a matter of testimony before Congress.   He has some argument that he didn’t actually do this, that he was really after information leaks from government workers, that he had no intention of prosecution of the press, and on and on.   But his methods are under scrutiny, particularly by the press, his targets of interest.   If his misconstruction of the truth requests and his procurement of subpoenas goes unchallenged, un-reviewed, and unpunished, there will be created a horrific legal precedent.   If nothing happens, if it is dissolved by no press attention,   if no one pays some price, then make no doubt, every Tom, Dick and District Attorney will follow the DOJ (Department of Justice) lead.   This could affect you and me. B. Judge Shopping .   While AG Holder (see above

Thoughts - Part VI

A. “ Hope and Trust ” is a campaign slogan no one dares use these days – or ever.   Indeed, it seems never to have been used, but every campaigner at some point begins or concludes a speech beginning with the sentence, “I hope and trust …. “   This is the candidate’s principle platitude.   This is the phrase that enjoins the candidate to the voter, the stakeholder of the community.   This is the phrase that conjures faith in the what the following predicate and object suggest.     I presume no candidate will ever have the nerve to venture forth with this loaded couplet of terms as a slogan.   While many hope for the better, and while many have trust better times are before us, none use it as a slogan. It doesn’t resonate with anyone - except in the negative.   It asks just too much to believe. For the politician... Asking for trust is too much to hope for.  Hoping for trust is asking too much. Hope is a vague term having individual meanings for each voter.   Some hope for

Thoughts - Part V

This is a short post.  Only two thoughts today.  Two thoughts on any given day is something like a bonanza.  Most days there are no thoughts whatever.  Drama.   This is a cinematic venue that depends on dialogue - occasionally style or setting.  There are two successful forms. The first is to have a reasonable story with enough action to keep the guys awake.  The second is to have a superlative script you might listen to even without the film.  The later is very, very rare.  There are countless unsuccessful attempts to achieve either. Dramas usually have a short longevity. The Kiss .    Such an intimate expression of humanity this is. Many forms of the kiss there are, just a lite touch of the familial.  Yet so very close.   The kiss of death, of love, of fortune, of resignation or revelation, of the future or past, of betrayal, of finality, of life. It can be carnal, or tender, or continuing of relationship.   An osculation is something like a kiss though in generic terms and inter

Mayoral Power

How to run a city. This power model is a for a city, with a mayor, division chiefs, and political operatives.  In a previous blog we described a number of ways leadership manifests itself in our lives.  This is copied below.  The nature of this type of city leadership involves at least six components, with the mayor as its center.  All are important, and all are essential. 1. A quiescent public .  The public must be mollified to inaction on most issues.  They will only become involved, not when the wheels of power are wobbly, but when the wheels have actually fallen off. 2. A cooperative press . The press needs to focus on ancillary matters, distractions, deceptions, and diversions. It must not be investigative about any aberrations of city command. The press acts in the public interest only when the issue or story is unavoidable, and likely when it is pressed by the outside. The press is essential in its willingness to broadcast only "selected truths." 3. A single pa

Inside the Box

Boxes. Things I've learned about people and their boxes.  The box metaphor for thought is well described and most appropriate.  Most people do live in some kind of box, though few will admit it. a. Some people cannot think outside the box; moreover they can't think inside the box either. b. Before one can think out of the box, he/she must first learn to think inside it.  c. Some people think only inside the box. Indeed, they live in their box with the lid tightly closed. A thought-box is a shield from unwanted ideas and thoughts. It protects and maintains a personal security. For many, it is a needed construct for day-to-day living. It provides the type of life assurance only babies have. Some people construct a big, a huge box for thinking. It resembles a cathedral, with a foundation and floor, with walls, with buttresses, topped off with a cupola, and protected by a wide moat. This makes their thought free from assault by new ideas or even old ideas. Usually, there are