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Showing posts from July, 2021

How We Do It

Not aliens. Not animals. Only us humans.   We do operate at all levels from the primitive to the high intellectual.   All of us, with the same brains, do similar things and in similar ways. But the organization changes are the requirements change.   The early tribes needed some rules to follow, plus many taboos about danger. The great modern civilizations also need rules to be sure but more than that, they need theories and beyond.   We assemble the bunch of them into a hierarchy of organizational traits or operational containers. This outline is not about epistemology or even ontology, topics having precise but different meanings.   This is about doing, assembling, understanding, and realizing. It is about multiple categories that mix up, contradict, conflict, and reject. You can have a taboo but reject and confirm it on the same day. These categories can be individual, yet commonplace, tribal, and societal.   ·         Skills – how to hunt, farm, marry, fish, protect, vigilance,

Judgments vs Thinking

  For your travels today, whether directed, meandering, random-stepping, please consider… Judgments  are easy. No responsibility. No depth of examination. No reflection. Errors are rarely noticed. Truth of judgment becomes a crown to wear, a conceit, a self-justification. Thinking  is difficult. Self-reflection is essential. Self-delusion is ever-present. Self-examination is difficult. The assumption of error is correct. Solid, fully discoursed conclusions are sometimes impossible. Both together are not incompatible. Rodin - Thinker

Sinking Ships

Ships sink. ·         Because of small leaks not repaired. ·         Because huge waves swamp them. ·         Because icebergs rip them apart. ·         Because it takes on too much cargo. ·         Because the captain is incompetent. ·         Because the accumulated rust weakens them beyond help. ·         Because it runs upon a reef. The USA is a mighty ship.   It seems to be sinking, but why?