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Showing posts from August, 2016

Poor Donald Trump

If the election is likened to the game of Bridge, the nation may bid no-Trump.      Below is a letter I wrote to Eric Trump, son of “the Donald.” In it I note that Donald Trump is all but gone as a presidential candidate.   If you are a Trump supporter, this may come as dismal news.   If you support Clinton, you will be elated.   I am hopeful that Trump will become a more respectful candidate, making the election more competitive. The alternative is to give Clinton a mandate in the coming election.   This is never good.   It would not be good for either.   It implies the winner can simply ignore critique and pursue their most base predilections. Leadership is critical for a President.   Balance is vital as well.   Eric, When your dad stabilizes and acts intelligent by not shooting off his mouth whenever he feels affronted, then I will reconsider. Yet, I think you know this is what he does.  You have seen it in boar...

Pay your fair share

The current pitch from the Clinton/Kaine ticket is that those making more, doing well, and those with good incomes, should pay more. They should pay their fair share. Fair share sounds reasonable.  That is until you chalk up who will pay. Most of us, at least those reading this, think of our personal situation as middling.  We are not rich, not poor, but getting by, some better than others. We think, let's get the million a year rich.  YES. These people drive luxury cars, take luxury vacations, and enjoy the benefits of household maids, gardeners, servants at parties, and the like. These are the folks that should pay more.  YES. The only problem here is that these so-called "folks' have already taken care of their money.  It is gone, already exported to save havens, untouchable by the taxman. The stronger the hint that the money will be taxed, the more motivated they have become. There are agencies supporting their cause, offering remedies for shelter in the...

Classified Trump

We have come to it with a new team for Trump and Trump receiving classified information.  Dangerous situation for the Donald.  Trump is in the unenviable position of having a campaign allowed no more mistakes.  With a new team on board, dangers abound.  The new team allows "Trump to be Trump."  In my view Trump has for decades allowed his base feelings free through perhaps nasty, perhaps catty, perhaps inappropriate remarks as a part of his business operations.  His apparatchiks know this.  They have experienced this in board rooms, and now in the press, the latter not to his advantage.  He seems unable and unwilling to change.  However...  He is now privy to classified briefings. Trump should beware that revealing any possible hint he knows classified information.  This will be watched carefully.  And hints are regarded in the wide sense, with comments to the effect, "How did he know that?"  Doesn't matter. ...

Clinton and Trump: Score Card

Let's see now about the two defectives applying for an important position. Clinton is supported by a number of extremely rich people and various union groups, together with a huge number of minority-type citizens. The former want to express their sympathy for the downtrodden.  The unions folks want more members.  The downtrodden want to get more of - you name it. Party apparatchiks are on board. Trump is supported by a huge number of disaffected white middle-class citizens that have no power, only hope. Party apparatchiks are dubious.  Well, that about divides up the country. Clinton plods on with her political campaign: my plans are better and Trump is unfit.  Clinton remains on message. Trump marches on with controversial claims: Clinton is crooked and my plans will work. Trump won't back down. I can't help but think someone knows something is coming .  What, I don't know. However, both are intelligent and both seem to promote things either outrageou...

Options for the Hacker

Options for the Hacker.   The presence of hackers in our world has changed the nature of communication.   It could force us back to paper communication.   From a recent report*, Russia is planning to adopt a foolproof means of avoiding global electronic hacking by reverting to paper and typewriters, each having its own signature. Even still, there are non crackable encryption techniques that can work and do work.   We just don’t use them.   Businesses under fund their IT departments and security personal to save money.   But they lose privacy, and privacy is an asset; make no doubt. This is a story to illustrate that making security assumptions at almost all levels is misguided.   It is a sad story. Yet, this story should be told.  If you had a number of damaging emails that could be the ruination of a public leader, or anyone else, you have options. 1.        You can release these in the spirit of disclo...