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Showing posts from October, 2015

Thoughts XXI - a new rant

On politics. Invoke science and you gain advantage.  It does not matter if the argument is valid, much less true. Mostly, the arguments are so complex that few can question the findings. For some interest groups, everything, that is every single thing in life, is political.  Family, industry, and religion issues, all are political. Let me note the very far left believes exactly this.  For them, all is politics. They say, "We must have faith in our leaders."  This is the mantra of the unthinking servant to the master. This gives the masters license to the excesses of power. The truth is maligned and distorted to the lessons of the masters, toward their control and containment of all thought. On God. Can there be a unified theory of religion and science?  This has been debated forever.  What is stunning is that no substantive progress has been made. Let me fill in a few details. The god debate never ends.  It probably never will....

Thoughts XX - big money

  Big money . Want to get rich?   Invent a biodegradable ink .   With such chemistry, errant youths could have all the tattoos they desire, and not suffer their whole lives with visible proof of temporary insanity. Bigger money .  You see Facebook ,Twitter, Instagram, and the like as social apps .   It seems that modernity has an unlimited appetite for such apps.  These transcend the now ancient letter, morning coffee, and telephone conversation by miles, even light years.  Create a new such app.  Easy to say, difficult to do,but the rewards are extravagant.  Really big money . We know the national debt (in 2015) is about 19 trillion dollars.   A lot of money this is.   But what does it mean?   We are crossing scales or orders of magnitude, and this is difficult for almost all people.   Suppose I said that a lifetime is about two billion seconds. (Actually, 2.2 billion seconds.) This is a magnitude of such a va...