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The Big Debate - Security

The Clinton-Trump debate has come and gone.   It seemed Trump was baited mercilessly.   He fell for it completely. What a mistake.   She prepared; he did not.   She did seem scripted; he ad-libbed mostly stuff from his stump speeches, and poorly.   But on the security issues, both were dismal.    Both demonstrated a total lack of knowledge, detailed or general on national security of all kinds.   Here, we can excuse Trump as simply being ignorant.   But Clinton, also ignorant, should understand from experience the gravitas of computer security and hacking.   But her delivery was rehearsed and delivered with no apparent personal understanding. Both said security was big and important, but neither have a clue on what to do.   "We will get top people to fix it," was the extent of their answers.   Hint. Already, the top people the government has ARE working on it and failing.   Corporations usually give short shrift to the costs of better security.   Us everyday folks d

Thoughts XXIV - More Quotes

Here we offer three quotes from Will Durant's, "The Story of Civilization." This is a multi volume opus, thick with pages and loaded with insights.  It is marvelously well written.   While they were applied to civilizations past, they seem to apply even today. A. On socialism: Individualism is the snake in the socialist paradise. B. On citizenry: The dole weakens the poor while luxury weakens the rich. C. On Roman emperor Gaius Caesar (Nero): Having been educated with smattering of philosophy, it was enough to free his intellect but not enough to moderate his judgment. --------------- In a sense, a college education leaves a person uneducated and vulnerable, as it often quiets natural intuitions and replaces them by short one-line talking points. Such folks are wide open to a better talking point.   No thought or common sense is needed, the narrative being key.   --------------- In the beginning, there was the "alien," a person in a country temp

Viva el baño

For one side or two of politics these days, it seems that what you do matters far less than what you say. Moreover, it is just as important what you (say you) believe. But who knows what any of them believe nowadays?   Who can you trust when you trust no one? One simple fact about the terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahmani is that ISIS will never claim his acts are on their recognizance.   Why?   Because his actions were beyond stupid. He was captured almost immediately; one of his big bombs and others did not detonate.     He is alone with no support. This is his ultimate punishment. He will spend twenty years or more in prison - completely alone. If ISIS would claim him as theirs, his life would be complete.   Not to happen.  Question.   What do Secretary of State John Kerry and New Jersey bomber Ahmad Khan Rahmani have in common?   Answer.   Same IQ. Truth is greatest ally of power.   It matters little if the "truth" is actually true.   It is the pronouncement.