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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Power of One

Never underestimate the power of ONE. ·         In business, one page is enough. ·         In admonition, one sentence is enough. ·         In summary, one paragraph is enough. ·         In dieting, one sweet is enough. ·         In life, one true love is enough.  

Elon Musk is a Rich Guy

 Elon Musk is now the world's richest man, with fortune estimated to be $185 billion.  Last year he sold about 500,000 new Tesla cars. This implies, by division, he is worth $370,000 for each cars he sold.  (BTW, new Teslas sell for about $80,000 each.) In a world of multipliers, this is a big one. 

Personal Wisdom

  The line between what is attainable and what isn’t is very thin.   Locating this line is but one step toward personal wisdom. Wisdom rescues truth from its failings. In the obscurity of personal darkness, many of us stumble into wisdom, changing us forever.