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Showing posts from February, 2018

Blame it on Physics

If you need an online calculator, one for just about anything, check out this website ----------------------------  Blame it on the Physics The first multiple choice tests were developed in about 1915 by Frederick Kelly, an education specialist.  This test was a timed reading test, produced because Kelly viewed human judgement of reading skills fundamentally flawed.  The idea was to make testing more objective.  This worked and was widely adapted. Just 22 years later physics teacher Reynold Johnson devised a method of identifying pencil marks against a key to automatically grade them, saving countless hours of hand grading. Johnson was hired by IBM to develop the device.  Multiple choice test became the premier testing vehicle – to this day. This first device recognized the marks electronically. However, in 1955, the first patent to recognize marks optically was issued to Everett F. Lindquist, an education professor....

Mass shootings

Facts: 1. There have always been loners with mental illness problems. 2. There have always been guns readily available. 3. There have always been youngsters expelled from the schools for anti-social behavior. 4. What is new is the many social media sites that nurture and encourage the mentally ill toward horrific acts - including terrorism.  Recommend: A. Suspend Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and all other social media sites. B. Increase the minimum age to purchase firearms. C. Increase the number of law enforcement individuals specializing in online potential threats. Now, if mental health professionals are given "veto" authority on gun possession, you have invented a new court system with no laws, and no case system.  Probably not good.  

Costco Invasion

Costco Membership. I've had a Costco membership since 2013.   I've bought a bunch of stuff valued in the thousands over that time.  But yesterday, when I added something to my "cart,"  Costco decided to verify me.  BTW, always paid all bills at the register, no exceptions. This process asked a lot of questions about me, things I could not imagine they even knew, and certainly I never told them. An example is the question they asked about the state of my residence in 1961.  Yes, 57 years ago!  This was a concern to me. I called Costco about this.  After three levels of supervisors I learned that Costco has contracted with another company to perform these verifications.  The last supervisor I talked to had no clue what the questions were, only whether I passed their test. What this means to you and to me is that there is a database of information out there about your information, past and present, your buying habits, your ability to pay,...

Random remarks

Paying more for the same thing does not improve the product. OR A product does not improve simply by paying more for it. You can't entertain yourself to a good education.  (Now and then you need to work. Now and then you need to think.) Standardized tests will not go away and not get any better. Things that immobilize or paralyze the soul:  self-doubt, self-pity,regret, doubt, indulgence, hate guilt, failure, hopelessness, false words Things that nourish the soul: love, confidence, purpose, success, hope, work. Things that are past the point of no return:  road & bridges, honesty, compromise, good will, respect. Many are the people with great potential, but no direction.  Their course often follows a random path of great leaps. Achievement is an accumulation of many, often minute, steps toward a single goal.  Nothing great can occur in a single day without many months or years of careful preparation. The diary is a wonderful way of talking to your future sel...