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Showing posts from March, 2017

Tips for the Anarchist.

In these days of unrest, we see the rise of anarchist or anarchist activities encouraging widespread, activist, and even violent protest.   Anarchy is easy.    Just maintain your hate level, do some plotting, create some trouble, regroup and plot for the next time.   Be that as it may, history has shown us that anarchy is a risky behavior, mostly destructive, and seldom with desired outcomes.     So, in a graphic way, we offer a few tips... Never throw shit into the fan… For the pleasure of seeing it fly. With the expectation of where it will land. With the hope of controlling the spray. Thinking you will not be touched. Expecting adjulation for a job well done. To identify new recruits. Demanding someone else clean up the mess. 

Hacking by Sound

Did you know?  Researchers at the University of Michigan* have discovered a new way of hacking, one that you may have never even widely guessed – and how it was done.  What’s that?  Using acoustics, they discovered the tiny device, called a MEMS accelerometer and other motion detectors, can be fooled by sound waves.  These are found in all smartphones, all smart watches, and other technologies.  For example; this little device is used in step counters found everywhere, including the Fitbit.   These apps measure when you take a step by the device response to a physical step. You take a step, and this causes a force felt by the accelerometer, and this is translated into a step. Generally, the new technique is achieved by “acoustic interference.  So, using sound, you can take thousands of (measured) steps without moving a muscle.  Moreover, you can disable and control devices using sound.  Stupid, you say, if not just plain cheating....

Getting involved

You get involved with events – external to your life.  At first you express an interest and then pretend interest. Then it becomes an interest; then it becomes your interest; then it becomes your passion, and finally it becomes your reality.  Yet, when the cause is gone, there remains little of your own.  You strive to sustain your new reality, forgetting who you were.   You have controllers,  often calling to keep you involved, a psychological affirmation. You are asked to contribute, a material affirmation.  You are asked to participate, a physical affirmation.   Your life has been co-opted and then compounded by the interests of others.  Whether religion or politics, my friend, you are part of a cult. ---------------------------------- Sometimes the breakthrough comes just when the back is ready to break.