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Showing posts from December, 2013

Impossible Problems - Arising in Religion

Inconsistencies with God and more Impossible Problems.  In religion, the argument from inconsistent revelations is an argument against the existence of God. It asserts that it is unlikely that God exists because many theologians and faithful adherents have produced conflicting and mutually exclusive revelations.   While the common argument states that since a person not privy to any particular revelation, he/she must either accept it or reject it based solely upon the authority of its proponent.    Indeed, there is the question of authority or faith. The argument continues that because there is no way for a mortal to resolve these conflicting claims by any form of validation, it is wise to reserve judgment.   That is, rejecting God’s existence is the proper and natural recourse.  This argument clearly is based on the existence of a God that reveals himself clearly and consistently to all, that these revelations remain constant without reinterpretation and without change.

Impossible Problems - Arising from Inconsistencies

Inconsistency and Impossible Problems Definition of INCONSISTENCY from the American Heritage Dictionary. 1. Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency, especially:         Not regular or predictable; erratic: inconsistent behavior.         Lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory: inconsistent statements.         Not in agreement or harmony; incompatible: an intersection inconsistent with the road map. 2. Mathematics. Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities. Inconsistencies in problem solutions seem to be correlated with the social competence of students.  Remarkable but apparently true. Impossible problems also arise from inconsistency.  This implies a type of conflict at the systemic level. When we have a system with inconsistent truths within, we are naturally led to impossible problems.  This can occur from regulations that are contradictory.  These can come from government agencies or industry leaders who