Skepticism is important in every subject. It functions as a governor for the runaway bad theory, bad idea, or erroneous method. It often gets a bad reputation because it tends to go too far as to restrict, restrain, and retard good theories, ideas, and methods. Skepticism is important in your life. It regulates against rumors and gossip, for example. It regulates against miracle cures. In psychology, it was Freudianism that went too far with incorrect interpretations of sexuality. It was a runaway and was only brought back after it failed too many times. In geology, the theory of plate tectonics was thoroughly defeated by skeptics for a long time - until clear proof was offered. In cosmology, skeptics and theorists overlap, with one theory slapped down by another, with one skeptic scewered by another. Don’t get me started on bloodletting, vaccines, gravity, educational theories, origins of life, and more. Skeptics still reig...
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